Thursday, October 06, 2005

In light of the recent tragedies that have happened in the United States over the past weeks with the hurricanes along the Gulf Coast, namely Katrina and Rita, it is hard not to think of the memory of 9-11. So many people have been affected and have been looking around for answers to questions like, "Why did this happen?" or "What are we going to do now?" Even further, you begin to hear questions from people you never thought to have an interest in religion such as, "Where is God now?" or "Why does God allow things like this to happen? Doesn't He care?! How can God exist and all this trajedy come upon us? Isn't He watching?" Sometimes these events actually bring people to their knees and allow them to realize their desparate need for a Savior. They begin to understand that they are completely bankrupt without him and no pleasure or financial security in the world could ever give them eternal joy. Why are their eyes opened? For the first time, everything is stripped away and it's just them and God, and they can't put their agenda in the way anymore because all is lost. So why doesn't everyone turn to the Lord in times of peril and great need? Because their hearts are desparately wicked and so hard that they do not want to release their grasp on their suppression of the truth.

I do want to answer the question of "Why does God allow things like this to happen?" The answer to that question will continue to circle around the issue of why God does anything. The easy answer is, "for His glory." But why? How in the world does God get glory from watching people suffer? That's the wrong question. God doesn't get excited by watching people suffer, it doesn't give Him some sort of boost of energy when He is about to send something that is going to wipe out people. God exercises His judgement on things because the end result will ultimately give Him the most glory, whether WE see it or not. Why is there a hell? Why is there sin in the world? Didn't God know Adam and Eve would sin? Of course He did! God knows all things. Then why? Think of it this way, if there was no sin in the world, would we be able to know everything about God? We would know nothing of God's judgement, and on top of that, we would know nothing of His great mercy and grace. If there was no sin, Jesus never had to come, and if that didn't happen, we would have no salvation. God is receiving the glory by revealing Himself fully to mankind.

In essence, God is more concerned for His glory than our comfort and He receives just as much glory by exercizing His judgement by someone burning in hell as He does by granting salvation to an unworthy sinner and having them rejoice eternally and praise God for the rest of time. Sound harsh? Remember how small you are in comparison to the eternal Godhead, and His plan for the world. That makes the picture a little more clear. If God did not bring justice to an unbeliever by having them go to hell, He would be not only compromising the purity of heaven, but He would no longer be a perfect God and we would all be dead in our sins. Praise God for being in control because if anyone else were, we'd all be in deep trouble.

I once was lost, but now am found. I once was blind, but now I see. I once was dead, but now I live. Hallelujah! Praise be to our great God and Savior Jesus Christ now and forevermore.

May we only desire to give glory to God and enjoy Him forever.

In the Master's Service,

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The beginning of a beautiful friendship

First time on here and I have no idea what to say. All I can think of is quoting something either very trite or something that will leave an impression on your mind that will probe your intellect in order to get you to return. Odds are I will most likely just continue to ramble until one of 3 things happens, A) something incredibly awesome or memorable comes to mind, B) I get bored, or C) I run out of room on this page. My guess is B will happen first.

I am just constantly reminded of the great and glorious truth that this life is a vapor and a passing pleasure. Sure, I am so grateful and stoked that the Lord has chosen me to continue to live and breathe on this earth for the "blink of an eye" that we call life. But I can't help but think of the future that awaits me and everyone else all over the world, past, present, and future who believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, humbled Himself to come to this earth and be the perfect example of a human being. Also, that this same man died and was resurrected on the third day and by placing our faith in Him and abandoning our sin, we are able to have eternal life! This is what keeps me going and pressing on to live for Jesus, is the thought that MAYBE NOW, as I write or as you read, the Lord Almighty could come back in all His glory and call His church home. There and only there can we be without sin, sorrow, and all other plagues of this earth. Praise God that we don't have to live in these sin cursed bodies for all eternity, but that we will received a glorified body, a glorified mind in order to understand and praise God forevermore with the clearest mind and the purest heart. My soul longs for this day! Does this not cause your heart to be stoked?! It does for me. Oh what a day that will be!

I once was lost, but now am found. I once was blind, but now I see. I once was dead, but now I live. Hallelujah! Praise be to our great God and Savior Jesus Christ now and forevermore.

May we only desire to give glory to God and enjoy Him forever.

In the Master's Service,