Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Stand Amazed...

Another look at a song proclaiming Christ!

I Stand Amazed
Author: Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856 – 1932)

Scriptures: Matthew 26:43; Luke 22:41; Romans 5:6-8; Ephesians 3:18-19
Themes: Love of Christ, Passion, Gethsemane, Praise

I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me,
A sinner, condemned, unclean.

- Jesus came to this earth to be a human. Philippians 2 (Nazarene)
- He was despised and rejected. Is. 53:3, Jn 1:46. Can anything good come from Nazareth. Even despised by his hometown.
- Rom 5:8. And while we were yet sinners (haters of God, insubordinate, lovers of iniquity and darkness)...Christ died for us.
- Truly an awe inspiring verse. It is only possible that we can be saved and know God because of His great love. It is a wonder.

How marvelous! How wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous! How wonderful!
Is my Savior’s love for me!

Just a simple, yet profound response to Christ's actions. Verse 1 pictures His coming to earth as the Nazarene. Verse 2 highlights His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane praying for God's will to be done. Verse 3 is the conclusion of His prayer in the garden when the angels came and ministered to Him. Verse 4 focuses on the cross and the fulfillment of His purpose here on die for sinners. Verse 5 culminates the story and fast forwards our own soul to heaven where we will see our Savior face to face and what a joy it will be to thank Him in song and praise for the rest of my days because my soul has been purchased and redeemed out of the pit of hell.

The chorus is a simple refrain of the fact that the song that we sing to Christ now on this earth and forever in heaven is so marvelous and wonderful...because the Great love that Jesus had for me to humble Himself to become a man, suffer hardship, die alone, so that I can know Him and be with Him for all eternity.

For me it was in the garden
He prayed, “Not My will, but Thine”;
He had no tears for His own griefs,
But sweat drops of blood for mine.

Verse 2 is omitted from many hymn books because of the second phrase "He had no tears for His own griefs, but sweat drops of blood for mine." The reason being Hebrews 5:7. "In the days of His flesh, He offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety." This verse clearly states that Christ did cry tears for His own grief...the fact that He asked the Father if God would allow this cup to pass from Him, meaning the death upon the cross and the separation from His Father. Luke 22:42

Yes, Jesus did die for the unjust...and if the word "griefs" here is in reference to sin...then yes, Jesus shed no tears for His own sin because He never sinned. 2 Cor 5:21. However if sin is implied there for the word griefs, the it would imply that He could have sinned, or had sinned in other instances, which is not true.

Probably a good idea that this verse is left out...however I would love to know what the original intent of that line was. It is usually the case in songs that there is some "bend" to Scripture in songs in order to have words or phrases that rhyme...however, that line in no way rhymes anyway. You could put any clearly truthful line in there and still finish with "but sweat drops of blood for mine." A line like "He kneeled and cried to the Father...and sweat drops of blood (or like blood) for mine." Pretty simple fix...but I think the author was placing the focus on the believer (himself personally), and contrasting that with the thought that Jesus was not doing this for Himself (His own griefs), but for the sinner (1 Pet 3:18-just dying for the unjust). You see that from the first line of the stanza, "for me it was in the garden". This sets up the thought that Jesus was thinking of the sinner. However, with verses like Hebrews 5:7, and the idea that Jesus' grief was more for His coming death and separation from God than because mankind was sinful...I think this verse is better not sung, or tweaked some, which some hymn books have done. (ie. "He cried with tears in His sorrow but sweat drops of blood for mine.")

In pity angels beheld Him,
And came from the world of light
To comfort Him in the sorrows
He bore for my soul that night.

This entire stanza is born out of one verse in Scripture, found in Luke 22:43.  This verse isn't even cross referenced in any other gospel account. It is one line that says that an angel ministered to Jesus while he was praying in order to strengthen Him. This is similar to the account in Matthew 4 where angels ministered to Jesus after the 40 day temptation in the wilderness. This shows the great compassion of the Lord that while in Isaiah it says that it pleased the Lord to crush Him (speaking of the Messiah), that He still dispatches His angels to minister to His Son during His most trying times on Earth.

He took my sins and my sorrows,
He made them His very own;
He bore the burden to Calvary
And suffered and died alone.

2 Cor 5:21- He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf
Isaiah 53:5- By His wounds we are healed
Luke 22:33-49- Christ bore the cross and died a sinners death
This verse speaks of the death of our Savior on the cross. The main passage being out of 2 Cor 5 where Jesus is the one who had never sinned, and yet became sin, to bear sin and die in my place a death that I deserved.

When with the ransomed in glory
His face I at last shall see,
‘Twill be my joy thru the ages
To sing of His love for me.

John 3:16- Eternal life for all who believe in Jesus
1 Cor 15:50-58- Those who know Jesus as their Savior will all be changed and resurrected in the last day
Rev 4 and 19- Picture of a scene in heaven that shows that we will sing and worship the Lamb forever
The last verse has me excited for what is to come. Glory will be for all who trust in the Name of the Lord. The ransomed, the ones that are there who have believed in Christ, will be there...and we will see Him face to face. And we will sing...

Wishing this song had a verse on the resurrection as well. Starts with Christ's humanity, then suffering, and skip the resurrection to jump directly to glory seems to be a bit off...however, the song still brings serious praise!

How can we help but “stand amazed” in His presence? How marvelous! How wonderful!

Sunday, July 01, 2012

5 years...

What on earth?! 5 years? Tonight as I was putting Cade to bed...I watched him fall asleep, with flashlight glowing in hand. There I sat, watching him drift off to sleep, utterly humbled by the grace of God. It was 5 years ago that Julie and I tried to fall asleep at the hospital, with her due date still 2 months away, not knowing that our baby boy would be born the next morning, and that it would change our lives. We knew having a baby would change our lives...but the timing wasn't ours, but it was the Lord's.

As I think back to all the thoughts and feelings that flooded my mind in the days and hours leading up to the arrival of our little boy...there are certain memories that stick:

-Convincing Julie not to find out what the gender of our baby was. We had decided not to find out, which was such a joy, but the circumstances were pressing on us to find out early. So glad we didn't. Hearing, "it's a boy" from the doctors and nurses was a moment I will not forget. Especially since I was pretty sure we were going to be having a girl.

-Texting Julie's sister Laura, who was nearing the end of her vacation in Australia.

-Knowing the prayers we were receiving from family, friends, and the church body at Calvary Bible Church (especially the Young Marrieds group).

-Meeting NICU families and nurses that would soon become good friends (and still are) even though I had no idea what I was being prepped for.

-Reading sections of the Book of Romans to Julie. She was having a tough time concentrating on anything due to the drugs that were trying to stop the contractions she was having. God's Word was a refuge and a comfort and did not return void. We were blessed and refreshed by the truth of God's Word that He cares for us and has a reason for everything...and that all things work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose. I think back to that time, I fast forward to this evening, sitting at the bedside of my son, who is turning 5 tomorrow. The boy who was 3 lbs, 15 inches long, was hospitalized for 56 days, had apnea, and we had no assurance of now a thriving, 40 lb, 42 inch, healthy boy. I am overwhelmed by the goodness of my God. Overwhelmed by His faithfulness. Overwhelmed by His grace. It is not because the story ended well that God is good. He is always good. Recognizing that the trials and struggles are for our good, because we were drawn near to the precious side of Christ is why it is good.

Tonight's takeaway for me: I have as much control today in keeping Cade alive as I did on that first day...none. Humbling. Completely humbling. God not only sustains my children, but me as well. It is that indicative truth that leads me to worship Christ imperatively with my life.

Praise Jesus!
Until He comes again...

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Worship Review - Glory to God Forever

So...a while back I was thinking, I want to start blogging about some of the worship songs that are really striking me and are growing me in my walk with the Lord. Since worship music is something I have a great zeal for...because my God is so great and worthy to sing about...I thought it would be fitting, especially given the fact that this is how I have been blessed to serve in church. By God's grace only (this is in no way an attempt to brag), I have been blessed to be a part of music ministry for about 12 years now. That is crazy to me. It is something I hope has been a blessing to the Lord, and a blessing to others. All that said...while my grand plans are to write a blog post as often as I am diving into these songs, it likely won't be...but we'll see.

The most important part about a worship song in that it be about the right things. The tune can be catchy but if it says means nothing. This is not to discount you can worship the Lord without any words at all, with any instrument at all. However, when it comes to your traditional corporate worship, there must be truth. The focus on the gospel of Jesus Christ is where we need to be.

That being said, the first song I am choosing to write about, and much of it is my notes from researching the purpose of the Glory to God Forever, by Steve Fee.

By: Steve Fee

Scripture (song purpose):
-1 Cor 10:31: In whatever we do, give glory to the Lord.
-Eph 2:10: We are His workmanship, created for good works.
-2 Sam 7:22: For this reason You are great, O Lord GOD; for there is none like You, and there is no God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

Scripture (song lyrics):
-Eph 1:3. Before the world was made
-John 1:1. There was nothing before God
-Psalm 118. We join the angels as we sing as one chorus in a symphony to the Lord.
-Psalm 139. God created me and formed me in my mothers inward parts. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
-Gen 1:1. God is the Creator
-Rom 12:1-2. Offer your bodies as living sacrifices - Take my life and let it be...consecrated Lord to Thee

Purpose: Bringing glory to God is the core of worship and the core of life.

The world gives praise and glory to many other things aside from the Lord, which is why 2 Sam 7:22 rings true for this song, that no one is like God. This thought of bringing glory to God and taking my life captive for the Lord is counter to our culture. The world tells us to take our life and make it about ourselves, and what we want, and our mindset is...what do I want to do today or what do I need to do today? Instead, our hearts and minds should be wrapped around, what am I doing for the Lord today? How am I going to dwell on the Lord today? How am I going to remember Him? Worship Him? If we aren't dwelling on the Lord and finding out what He wants from us...then we have replaced God...usually with ourselves. Say it out loud...if God is not your God, then it is very likely that YOU are your god. And that ladies and not a good place to be.

So...fill your day with prayer and ask God to help you with that...setting Him before you. Then, take a look at your day and ask, why am I doing what I am doing today? How can I remember, and bring glory to the Lord with what I have planned for today? Maybe something is there that would not bring glory to God...DONT DO IT! The believer has God's spirit convicting me and you of sin with the purpose of repenting and turning to the Lord once again.

EVERYTHING YOU DO IS WORSHIP! Think about that...Keep thinking...every single thing you do, say, an act of worship. The question is...what are you worshipping? When you bring every action, word, and thought back to that question...that will tell you who/what you are living for. 

Lastly, a plug for the band who recorded this...Fee. Although no longer together...they are fantastic! A littler more alternative if you are used to a more folk-like acoustic worship. However, the words of their songs are very clear...very motivating...and very God-glorifying. Their albums "We Shine" and "Hope Rising" are both great listens.

Short video of lead singer/author Steve Fee describing the song:

Song via YouTube:

Song Lyrics:
Before the world was made,
Before You spoke it to be
You were the King of kings,
Yeah You were, yeah You were

And now You're reigning still,
Enthroned above all things
Angels and saints cry out,
We join them as we sing

Glory to God, glory to God Glory to God, forever
Glory to God, glory to God Glory to God, forever

Creator God, You gave
Me breath so I could praise
Your great and matchless name,
All my days, all my days

So let my whole life be
A blazing offering
A life that shouts and sings
The greatness of our King

Take my life and let it be
All for You and for Your glory
Take my life and let it be yours

Hope you enjoy the song!

Until Jesus returns...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

AMAZING! Discipline and Diligence

AMAZING! Discipline and Diligence

Hello out there! It's the other Martin here...blogging about something my wife would probably want to keep hidden...but I just can't! For those of you who don't know, my wife recently gave a talk to the MOMs ministry at our church. The title of the talk is "Discipline and Diligence".

I have had the pleasure of hearing from many so far in the ministry that the Lord was able to use my wife in a big way already. I also have had the distinct pleasure of listening to it myself, both before in bite size pieces as she worked through her outline, notes, and trial run...and after the finished product. Now...I know my wife pretty well...but this was a whole new way of seeing her. I have seen the changes God has made in her life, specifically in the last year, and this is a culmination of that.

I was personally blown away by the message, not just because it is my dear bride speaking...that helps...but because I got to watch this journey first hand. I hope you are blessed by it as without further adieu...

