The water heater making noise in the wind...
The fan in our son's room coming through the monitor...
The sound of my fingers tapping on the keyboard...
My wife breathing as she sleeps...
...thankful for it all.
It is easy to say thank you when you get something unexpectedly great. It just pours out of you in exclamation, "Thank you!" It is important to say thank you, especially for gifts and kind gestures. I truly am thankful though for all the pleasantries listed above. The unnoticed...unappreciated...un-thanked.
But why...what is so special? God allows me to hear sound. God brings rain. God provided the job with a gracious boss which provided the money for the roof over my head right now, and the water heater, fan, monitor, laptop. God causes the wind to blow. God causes friction. God made our son and formed his inward parts. God allows my fingers to move, my brain to work, and my eyes to stay open. God provides breath. God provides sleep. God gave me my wife.
With so much more that could be mentioned and implied from those few lines, most of all, God gave me the grace to realize that it's Him, not me.
I rely on my hearing. I rely on the rain. I rely on the job with the gracious boss and the money to pay for those luxuries. I rely on friction (wrap your brain around that concept). I rely on DNA strands working together, molecules forming, the human body working as it is supposed to, in order to create human life. I rely on the tools needed and the doctors used that worked together to allow my son to live. I rely on breath. I rely on sleep. I rely on my wife.
With all that said, most of all, I rely on the grace of God and come to grips with the fact, that I am nothing but a humble slave of Christ, not myself.
So praise God for the mundane, the granted, the ordinary...along with the extraordinary, because it is the same God and the same grace that provides the ordinary as well as the extraordinary. I resolve not to miss seeing the grace of God in my life daily...and I resolve to be thankful for it, knowing where and who it comes from.
Until Jesus returns in glory...