Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Well, another 6 months down...another post...hope you haven't been holding your breath.

I wanted to get some thoughts down from attending the Chris Tomlin concert last night at the Gibson Amphitheater over at Universal CityWalk. It was such a blessed evening that Julie and I got to share not only with each other, but with some dear friends.

First off...I am not an avid concert-goer. I am not sure why...because there is so much music that I enjoy. So, for whatever reason, this was the 3rd concert of my life...and was definitely one to remember.

I had no idea who was opening for Chris Tomlin and was pleasantly introduced to a band from Ireland named REND COLLECTIVE. A great band with a lot of spunk and a huge heart for the Lord. By far the best thing they did (aside from having an actual trashcan Oscar the Grouch style as an instrument) was do a familiar yet new rendition of the famous hymn "Be Thou My Vision". They changed a few of the words of the hymn (for all you purists...I know that is sacrilegious to you)...but it made the song very personal and intimate, in plain modern English, between you and the Lord. Hands down their best song, but maybe just because it was familiar. Check them out.

As for Chris Tomlin and his band...A-MAZ-ING! I honestly expected nothing less...because I know what professionals they are, but I was still blown away. It could have been the fact that I knew every song that was being played, but it was like each word, phrase, and refrain were magnified and I saw a refreshed meaning to it...not a different one...but just brought to life even more.

Louie Giglio, one of my favorite speakers, spoke passionately from Psalm 148. He is a big astronomy nut, as I am...especially now that Cade pretty much works for NASA as far as I am concerned. But anyway, he just speaks on my level, making it super practical, putting the cookies on the bottom shelf (thanks Dr. McGee). Especially one part where he spoke on a segment on "hand-raising". Now, typically during praise and worship, I am not a big hand raiser. But Louie put it on a whole new level. He sampled a bunch of situations (with pictures) as to why and when people raise their hands. Kids going to school, a city hearing they got the Olympics in the near future, a Coldplay concert, a hot dog eating contest...etc. The same result (hands raised), happened because of something intensely exciting...but not only that...something exciting that those raising their hands cared about passionately. The challenge to me was that I kept asking I care about Christ as least as much as some crazed teens care about a secular artist? What would make me raise my hands? Better yet...what HAVE I lifted my hands about? A sporting event? A concert? Do I lift my hands in intense praise to my intensely awesome God? What am I scared of? What is holding me back? Obviously, I don't want to be a distraction...but I have been set free! I have been saved! I gain Christ and a glorious eternity! That's hard to keep inside. That said, that doesn't mean I am going to be a wheat stalk in the wind...but it broke me of my own pride and legalism in that area.

Lastly, and probably the most meaningful part of the evening, was standing next to my best bride. Getting to worship alongside her and have her hold my hand made the whole evening. Just praising the Lord that He gave me a mate that loves Jesus!

All in all, a great night of fellowship and worship. So much more than a concert.