Here I am, sitting at my house, the waning hours before I lay my head down for another evening. Thoughts are flooding through my tiny finite head about what to write, if I should even write, and if any of this is going to make sense or not...but hey, it's my there.
Well, my heart is full of thankfulness at the moment. My wife is enjoying a favorite TV show of hers. My son is fast asleep for the night (Lord willing). And I had a bunch of time today to be with the people of God at my church, sing praises to my King, play with my son, and still have time to be alone and relax and write. I rarely have this kind of time to do something like this so I felt the need to capture it and just put some of my thoughts down.
Two thoughts have really hit me lately and they aren't really related. First, my tiny time as a parent for this past year has taught about how much MY parents did for me. It is so hard for me to think that my mom and dad made the same huge sacrifices for me that I do for my son. Did they really have those nights where they were so exhausted because I was crawling and walking everywhere and getting into everything? Did they really have to pull my hands away from sockets and cords and other "No" things? It is SO true that you truly don't appreciate what someone has done for you, until you have to do it for someone else. For this reason, I know that I will never understand the full power of the cross of Christ because I will never be sinless, I most likely will not die of a death as gruesome as a crucifixion, and I will never have the weight of the world's sins on my shoulders. Sure, the time will come when I too will die, and maybe it will be "saving" someone else's life. But the saving grace of Jesus Christ can only come from Him, and I can't be more thankful for that.
The other thing that has been on my mind, truly does come from the fact that I am tired. CJ Mahaney said in his book, Humility, that part of being humble, is accepting the fact that each night, we need sleep and should humbly accept it. This is a daily reminder of why God is so much more powerful than the human race that He created. He NEVER needs to sleep. He always has a watchful eye and never grows weary, but every single night, I need to rest my head from weariness. Sure, I could probably stay up for 48...maybe 72 hours straight, but God NEVER sleeps. What an amazing God we serve! With that, I am going to bed...
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