Well, not much has happened since my last post. HA!
-My wife went on bed rest in April
-My daughter was born prematurely in June
-My son turned 3 in July
-My daughter was released from the NICU in July
-My wife's birthday...our 6 year anniversary...
So...that's my story.
Anyway, back in action...hoping to make this a weekly occurrence, if not more, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. Low expectations and then be surprised. :)
What is it like to have a daughter? Well, as my wife can attest to, I was apprehensive about having a daughter. It wasn't the cost of a girl, the hair that will be clogging our drains, the makeup, the drama, or even the excessive amounts of pink and purple. It wasn't that I was scared of girls or anything like that...but scared of my girl who will one day possibly be out from under my care and in the arms of another. Yes, I am getting way ahead of myself...
Once Reese was born though...all those thoughts about how I would feel went away. I was no longer worried about her leaving me on a white stallion with her Prince Charming into the sunset. My cares turned to doing everything in my power possible to care for her physically, mentally, emotionally, and most of all spiritually. I am her dad and she is in my care, (as are Cade and Julie) and I want to flood her mind with as much of the gospel and our precious Christ as possible. Who cares about academics and sports and looks and accolades when a soul is at stake? This is a radical change for me since I have been saved, moreso since I've been married, and even moreso since having kids. Do I want my kids to do their very best and excel in what they do...absolutely. But what does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet forfeit his soul? That applies everyday.
So, growth is happening all over the place. Our family is growing in number, my son is growing in knowledge, my daughter is growing physically, and love is growing in our house. Julie and I are growing most of all, I think, in our trust of the Lord. As a parent, you feel very "in control" and responsible for all that goes on in your household. Continually though, we are reminded to let go. Not to "let go and let God" to it's extreme, but to let go of our pride and our Vulcan death grip we think we have on our life and our happiness and let God lead us in the everlasting way.
All in all, I want to live for Jesus...and have my family follow me all the way to the Celestial City. Lord, I need you...
...until His glorious return...
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